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June 07, 2010



You are 3 for 3 now! As always I love the pictures of Beautiful B. Thank you for the list of books/resources. (And I was pleasantly surprised to see 3 of my favorite crafty mama blogs on your list, which I keep separate from my IF/Adoption/NowAMom blog. Too bad we live in different corners of the country.:-))


You are welcome!! Perhaps you'll find some good summertime reading in some of the books? Hmmm...yes, too bad we don't live closer to each other! I hope you have a great summer! Someone special is turning 1 very soon!! How exciting! How do you feel about that? I remember like yesterday the day I read your blog and discovered the grand news! Ah...adoption journeys make me teary eyed! Wouldn't it be nice to have coffee together one morning? We could talk about open adoption, raising little ones and so much more!

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