Two posts in one day! I know, I didn't post much last week. I wasn't feeling wordy, but now I am.
I had planned to do some water color painting this morning with the little one. But before we got started, she made it clear that painting was not what she had in mind for her morning work. Ahem.
Well, then let's move on now shall we? And so, I backed off and continued to do the regular daily chores that needed tending. A little while later, we found ourselves in her room and she just went to town. For about an hour, she worked and played peacefully. I was able to do my own work while she did hers. When prompted, she even obliged and put away one activity before choosing another, which is something we've been working on.
She's grown lots these days. I've noticed that more and more she likes her work. Oh, she still spends plenty of time in my feet and helping me with my chores. But she is also becoming more and more her own little person, with her own joys! It's so very sweet to witness. On her shelves right now, we have lacing shapes, stringing beads, lacing cheese, and Matroyska nesting dolls - all of what she adores! I also keep crayons, color pencils, paper, and playdough on the shelf for her to choose as she likes as well.
Though she loves her work, she is also a real hoot to observe when she is engaged in imaginative play. Oh my, does she mirror her mama so acutely some days when it comes to taking care of Hazel and Dolly. "Heavy!" she exclaims as she lifts them to her chest! I don't know where she gets that from? Here, she is organizing a game of A Tisket A Tasket for the farm animals. How cooperative of them to play so nicely in a circle!
Today unfolded just as it should. She worked. I worked. We played. We listened to music. We read books. We snuggled in bed for a nap time. When she wakes up, our evening routine will commence with some outdoor time spent visiting (chasing) the chickens, hanging out laundry and then dinner preparation.
Ah, wow! I suppose we really do have a rhythm!
Note: I'm not sure how it happens, but Bea always seems to snag the room with the best light in the house. My word! No wonder, we've been migrating to her room more and more often. The light in there is fantastic. As you can see from the enormous amounts of photos in this post, for a little bit, my work became my camera. How I do love to chase good light!