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February 11, 2011



True, and next stage will bring it's own beauty. That never stops. Enjoy the ride:)


It truly is so much fun to listen to their little words, isn't it? Juni sings, "one, two buckle, shoe. three, five..." exactly like that. "Knock the door..." I love it!

miranda makes

Beautiful! I couldn't have imagined loving anything as deeply as I loved Fiona as a baby. I, too, have found a whole new level of love for this walking, talking toddler I have now. If the love keeps growing at this pace, I just might explode!

Thanks for this sweet post!


such wise words.... and so true.... though I certainly do miss those precious baby days!


Thank you - will definitely do! :)


I know what you mean.


I agree. Babies are so enticing!


Those little girls...:)


Wow, she got so big in the past few months! It is awesome to hear what she is saying. And I love the chicken pictures. :-p

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