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July 20, 2011



Oh I wish we could share some rain with you.... I can't believe how hot it's been for you. I would certainly melt into a puddle at such heat.... wow.


Such a bummer when the little ones are all ready to play in rain puddles and it doesn't happen. ; (
I love that smooshy face she is doing. I know it so well. Bea does not look dissimilar to my younger daughter, actually. I bet they would get on just great.

amanda {the habit of being}

such a disappointment! we have those days where it gets all windy and grey and i rush to bring the laundry in from the line and then...nothing. stay cool!


Oh, that's too bad, but a bit is maybe still better than nothing. And - Bea got to wear her lovely raincoat! She's so adorable!


Your weather has been soooo crazy, and thinking about all that heat is the only thing getting us through here. We have the opposite crazy weather -- still raining more days than it's not. Over 120 inches since October -- a record even for us! End of July and still eating spring crops, as my tomatoes sit there flowerless. Weird.


I know. Your area is the one of the rare places that are not in heat wave right now. So bizarre. 120 inches of rain!!!!!! Thats insane. Weve had maybe 3 inches since January.

amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

That third picture is just perfect- LOVE her expression! She appears to be a much older soul living inside the body of a toddler, huh?


oh if you only knew her in person. she is a piece of work for sure. yes, so much older than her size and years. :)

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