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July 12, 2011



The lavender water sounds divine! My youngest would much prefer that to the baby wipes we currently use after meal times, it it wouldn't have any 'chemical nasties'. Thank you for the inspiration Nichole!
Your canned tomatoes look amazing by the way.

amanda {the habit of being}

i have a thing for knitted dishcloths and face cloths - something so homey and comforting about them. need to go figure out what lifeways is so i can see what kind of training you're doing ;-)



The Lifeways training is a Waldorf inspired early childhood training for parents, caregivers, grandparents, etc. But it's so much more than just another early childhood education training. It offers profound perspective of the human path... It was amazing. Truly inspiring and healing.




It is! But I can't take credit for the idea. I was inspired to do this from a Waldorf training that I took a few weeks ago.

Have fun! You and your little one will love this new way on cleaning up!

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