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July 14, 2011


amanda {the habit of being}

my favorite portraits of my children were taken at oakley house. we love st. francisville! we drove the new bridge when we were up there picking blueberries just to check it out - so fancy schmancy ;-)


i had a pretty good hunch you would also know what was up when it came to St. Francisville. ;)

our world continues to shrink.


Gorgeous..... added to the "to see" list of things :)


Good!! I think you'll love it. It's a little town that always felt so different to me from the rest of the area.

Also, there's some good hiking to do in nearby St. Francisville. (Tunica Hills). There's a waterfall there (gasp). :) I haven't been since I was in high school.

And at certain times of the year, when the road is open, you can venture to Cat Island and see the largest tree (cypress) this side of the Mississippi. The road was closed when we went last week.

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