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July 28, 2011



Beautiful writing Nichole, simply lovely words!


"What will she one day think of all these shutter releases aimed at the tiny moments of her childhood? I wonder."

she will be so happy she has a mommy who cared that deeply...


or she'll think her mom is an overbearing kook! :)


Aw...thanks! Hope your little one is fully recovered now!


Stunning photos Nichole! I think she will love the beauty in the moments you have captured.
What DSLR do you have? I have the Nikon D90 and it is so heavy! Sometimes I think 'Why am I keeping this really heavy camera on my shoulder' until I catch that perfect moment which makes me feel so happy! But I don't have an iPhone so I have no choice but to keep carrying it around...It's quite addictive isn't it?


Not only are these photographs beautiful in their natural simplicity, they also depict Bea's childhood how it really is. All her days, all your moments together, line up like pearls on a string.

Most of the photos I have of myself as a child are images were I am placed in front of something - as if the goal was to capture as much as possible in one shot. I find myself searching for details in that background, hoping that they will tell me something about me.

When I had my son in 1993, there were no digital cameras around, and I would ruin myself on film. People found it strange that I 'wasted film' on his neck, his hands, his feet and all blurry images of him running around. Today (he's soon 18) I am glad that no film was ever wasted on him. It was all worth it - every single one of them.


So lovely Lilli...Yes, my childhood pictures are much sparser than Bea's (of course):) And like yours, of the posed fashion. It is somewhat a mystery to me as to what I was really like as a child. I remember some things... but of course, there's a lifetime that we forget. The memory is such a fascinating beast, isn't it?

I sometimes crave film photography once again. There is definitely something to say about the long wait and unknown results of the processing. Good stuff...I'm sure your son has a beautiful collection of photos from his childhood.


I have a Nikon D60 which I love. It's not too heavy, but definitely bulky especially if I am using my zoom lens.


...I would like another lens really, I have a 50 mm f 1.4 G lens at the moment which I love but I really don't know enough about photography to choose another one :)


I have that lens and I use it a lot -especially indoors. I love it and would love it even more if it had auto focus capability (on my camera because it's more entry level than the D90, the focus is in the lens itself, I think). Any hoo, manual focus gets tricky when photographing moving children.

The other lens that I love a lot is the 55-200. I love to take that one when we are outside. I can zoom in from far away and it is auto - focus.


Inspirational post. This will give much motivation to all the professional camera men. When they will get tired of clicking images just let them read it then they will again get active to work.

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