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July 10, 2011



lovely trip photos..... someday I hope our paths cross on one of your visits...
on another note, the thunder storms here in the south are like no where I have ever lived. we all love them too and I know my kids will recall them as a favorite memory when we move away from here... they are awesome :)

amanda {the habit of being}

where do you visit in louisiana? would love for our paths to cross during one of your visits if it's possible :)

you know moving from albuquerque to louisiana, i was blown away by the thunderstorms and the rain that came like clockwork every afternoon. now i'd miss it were i to leave.


Looks Like you grew up in a beautiful place! So glad you enjoyed your visit! x
P.S: I love Beatrix's little white sandles, we got my little one's first pair of shoes on the weekend she was so excited!


Thank you Stephinie. I know, I hope our paths cross too. I thought about you! I thought of contacting you, but then my shy self felt, well, too shy. Silly, huh? We stayed so busy the whole week, visiting, playing, etc. One day, though, (mark my words) I seriously need to stretch my comfort zone and meet up.


Also, yes thunderstorms are incredible. I miss them so. I could go on and on all day long about how miserably hot and dry it is here in Texas, but I won't. I'm trying to stay positive....hmn. :)


I'm from Central Louisiana - Avoyelles Parish. We're about 1.5 hours from BR. I thought of you while I was there, but I confess that I'm such a dork sometimes, and I get all shy about meeting up for the first time! :) One day, for sure, I'm going to stretch my comfort zone though. I would LOVE to meet you and your sweet family, for real.


Thank you! Oh, I remember getting Bea's first pair of shoes. Such a big moment for sure!

amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

I want to go sit out on that dock. Right now. With a tasty beverage and a comfy cushion.

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