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October 10, 2011


amanda {the habit of being}

sounds like a wonderful weekend and a great way to spend your birthday!

amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

well lookie there, you're a libra, too! Happy happy birthday, Nichole. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday weekend~ And what great things to have so nearby to your new home!


I am so glad you got rain!I love the pumpkins and Bea's sweet orange dress, perfect for this time of year! Happy Birthday Nichole!


awesome :)


A belated happy happy! It was very nice of you to share your birthday rain with all of us! :)


It was a great weekend!


Yep, a libra, I am. Thank you for the birthday wishes!


Rosaleen, I was so thrilled about the rain too! It was wonderful. Now I'm wondering if it will be another four months until the next time it rains...:) I love the little orange dress too. Not many people can pull off wearing orange, but Bea does pretty well, I think! :)


indeed! :)


Thanks Gina! Please tell me I'm not the only one wondering (worrying about) when we'll see rain again.


Dearest Nichole,
I knew I would have to scroll far down to find your birthday post. How times fly sometimes, even if I don't like to admit it. Hoping that every day is long and precious.

These photographs are beautiful, as I hope your birthday was. Happy, happy belated birthday. The farm-to-table concept seems wonderful. I only had sweet potato once in my life, and I still remember how much I loved it (it's hard to find here).
October is a good month!


Sweet potatoes are divine, I think. We like them as fries and we also like to bake them whole and have them as side dishes to gumbo (which is a soup like dish). Delicous!

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