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January 18, 2012


amanda {the habit of being}

beautiful post nichole and one i think every mother can relate to. i have those moments frequently, off in my reveries, pulled back by the sound of someone calling, "mama" or a sticky hand on mine. i love the idea of no beginning or end, just dreams and experiences all tumbled into one life.


Such beauty & depth in your words and images today. That Gillian Welch song is a favorite for sure. And some of my favorite moments this past year have been driving around with a sleeping babe in the backseat, too!


Thank you Fanny. Just yesterday I found myself on what's quickly becoming some of my favorite off the beaten path roads so that she would nod off. What we won't do, eh?


That's one of the things that drew me to your blog, Amanda. This idea that yes, we are devoted mothers and wives, but also, we are ourselves and there is so much more to ourselves than the aforementioned roles. Hope your Saturday is wonderful. Much love.

Baby by the Sea

Deep breaths over here. I can so relate to this. I live on an island, and dream of long frequent drives and, with any luck, five amazing songs to fill the lane. "Mama," always pulls me back from a daydream, pulls me back into where I need to be. My daydream slips away as I hold my babes tighter. Today I jumped in the car and drove the 18 miles to the south lighthouse. The girls were quiet, looking out the window. It was heaven. Great post.


I'm confused. It's 30 miles from your daughters school? This means that you live out in the country?

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