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March 26, 2012


amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

beautiful! I SO want to go visit that farm~ it looks lovely.


beautiful! I remember your post from last year.
And could your girl be ANY cuter.
Oh how I wish I could get mine to dress like that.

amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

I bought one of those adorable little prairie-esque hats for Claire last summer when we were visiting an old working farm and she WILL NOT let me put it on her. I will just keep trying......


Thanks ladies! Sometimes she asserts herself in the fashion sense, but mostly she is much too interested in dreaming of being a race car driver, motorcycle driver, pilot and/or train conductor to give hoot about what her mother puts on her.

She does really love that bonnet though. She also loves visors on strollers and infant car seats which the bonnet resembles, come to think of it.


It really is....

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