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April 16, 2012



Wow Nichole!
Thank you for sharing this story. We have never gone further than "people pass away" stage yet. But I think I will explain it the same you did. Thanks so much for the inspiration, if I may call it so.
I am thankful too for almost every conversation which I have with our 4.5 years old. It is such a gift, being able to glimpse into the soul of the Earth, and even beyond it...
Sorry for not replying too often, though I never miss your posts. I had so much to tell you regarding some of them, but I guess we will have to wait until that cup of tea to have a proper talk. Anyway, please know that you are always in my thoughts..
PS If Bea ever wants to send a letter to my son, whenever you feel she is ready for it, I think he will be happy to receive it...

amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)



Thank you Miri. Yes, it's one of the many moments in parenting where we doubt ourselves, analyze the exchanges, and wonder/ hope that we said enough, but not too much. Who knows? I do know that we do our best to speak both from a place of truth and respect.

One day, perhaps the tea date will happen. We must never stop dreaming!

Pen pals: oh my, soon enough she'll be so into that! Time flies!


aw...thank you, Amanda!

Nikole Sarvay

Thank you so much for your lovely comment - I am so happy that you made your way from bluebird baby so that I was able to find you! I love your journal - your beautiful pictures and words speak to me deeply. I will be following your adventures for sure. What an inspiration you are!


Thank you Nikole. I'm so glad we found each other too! I love that you spell your name with a 'k' and I spell mine with a 'ch'...:)

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