Today I joked with Byron that one of these weekends we're going to draw the curtains, ignore the chores, lounge on the couch, and watch movies, in the middle of the day. He laughed and agreed that that sounds mighty nice right about now.
We're so busy these days. Not running around. Just busy at home. Painting, clearing, building, repairing, not to mention the cooking, cleaning, washing. Blah, blah, blah. And it's hot. Red hot. My habit of late is to get going with work outside/inside as soon as we wake. By the end of the morning, Bea and I are so darn hot, sweaty, and sticky, that we jump in the shower before lunch, get cleaned up and hunker down (for the most part) indoors. I think this routine has been helping Bea redisover napping a bit too. Several times last week, she took a nice long nap after lunch. It is easy to relax after a refreshing shower and a solid meal.
The "school" is looking so sweet. I can't wait to complete the details, take pictures and share. I'm really pleased with the space. I love my job. I find so much inspiration thinking and reading and planning for it all. I feel really grateful that I can have a program that allows for such freedom and contentment for both the children I work with, and myself. I've ordered three books recently and I can't wait to receive them. I've heard great things about all. I think the content will inspire and affirm my thoughts on education nicely.
Lookie what I stumbled upon on Pinterest! My girl loves cars and bikes. When I showed her the picture she went straight to Byron and asked if they could build this kind of car soon. We even thought it would be fun to get a box car festival/race going in our town. It would be neat if one of the stipulations to enter the race would be that the boxcar would have to be made from reclaimed material.
That's about all of the news from our homefront.
Oh, did you see this? Sweet Kylie (co-author Kids in the Kitchen)at How We Montessori said the kindest words about me. I didn't know anything about it until I got a couple of comments on my school blog (which is even quieter than this one) within a short span of time. I thought that was unusual, so I checked my stats and I saw tons of linkbacks from her sight. Goodness. I love How We Montessori. Kylie's blog is fresh and clean. She's a wonderful resource for anyone looking for information on how to make Montessori work for you and your little ones at home. I admire her work and was totally flattered. It felt good to get such feedback from someone so well respected in the Montessori blogging community.
Speaking of blogging, I'm going back and forth on how I want to continue the two websites: Live Free and The Natural Child. I'm sort of thinking of consolidating. It seems like a silly act to keep two blogs going when everything - school, home, life is happening under one roof. I use to feel shy about sharing Live Free with clients and what not, but I think I've become more comfortable with what I share on the internet. I'm mean, honestly, I keep this blog clean cut. There's nothing juicy or controversial here. Just the occassional boo hoos from being a sappy mama. Which I think most of us are anyway at least some of the time. We'll see. Regardless, I'd keep The Natural Child domain and website so that local folks could find details about the program, but the blogging aspect of it would link back to Live Free.
Any thoughts? Anyone? Bueller?
I know. I'm rambling.
Oh wait, I think this post qualifies as a weekending one, so I'll link up with Amanda at The Habit of Being.
Off I go.
Nice article, thanks for the information.
Posted by: sewa mobil jakarta | July 29, 2012 at 11:35 PM
First time visiting from Amanda's!
I used to have three (or four) different blogs and ended up consolidating everything because it was too hard to maintain so many and like you said, it all happens under the one roof anyway. Your readers will probably appreciate being able to find all your content in the one place. :)
Thanks for sharing your weekend with us!
Ronnie xo
Posted by: Pink Ronnie | July 30, 2012 at 12:44 AM
I've only had one blog so I cannot help you, I'm sure you will find a solution that you like. Love your pile of books!!
Posted by: swanski | July 30, 2012 at 10:29 AM
What a wonderful weekend! I agree that consolidation is a great idea if you are doing it all under one roof... that is your life! Share it in one place!
Posted by: Erin @ Wild Whispers | July 30, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Your daily routine echos ours. We tend to flip our schedules with the seasons - out in the mornings at the park, running errands, working in the yard, then lunch, a/c consumption ;-) In the fall/winter, the outside bit comes after lunch.
Hope you and B get some downtime soon!
Posted by: amanda {the habit of being} | July 30, 2012 at 12:16 PM
i've gone back and forth with blogs, trying to bring them together, separating them... i now have 3, and it feels right for their content.
depends on what you NEED. for example, i needed to speak and write indulgently on my inner thoughts, but didn't work with a mama blog.
but if it's just a matter of separating topics, it may not be necessary.
good luck!
Posted by: Monica | July 31, 2012 at 03:41 AM
Hey Nichole,
I think the consolidated blog is perfect, bringing it all home:) I'm glad that you're finding inspiration in new books! Let me know how they are! I wish we were as busy as you, but these past few weeks with the baby in the hospital and the A/C still out its been hard to do anything! But AC guy comes today fingers cross, and we'll hopefully have cool air blowing on us once again:)
Posted by: lissadell | July 31, 2012 at 09:18 AM