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February 14, 2013


amanda (sweetpotatoclaire)

very sweet photos. I WILL make those little hand pies. I will, I will, I will.

Chelsea  Slaven-Davis

what a rosy week! I love sparkle stories, and I was disappointed that they didn't quite hold my little ones' attention so well, but I have hopes that they might feel drawn to them more as they get older... +Chelsea

amy jane

I totally went through a TJ's mourning process when we moved here too! Your photos are beautiful! I need to find out what lens you have. I just got a tip from someone to get a 50mm/1.4 lens, so I'm going to check that one out. I'm a serious dslr amateur!


Ohh...you got a camera! Yay! Have fun with it. I have the 50mm and I like it except that on my camera it doesn't auto focus, which can be problematic if I taking pictures of moving subjects...like Bea. I also have the zoomy zoom lens (55-200mm). Hope you are doing well. I ran into someone this weekend at a school fair that lives in your neighborhood and knows all of you....Small world! XO.


Sweet photos, my dear. Love the way your home looks.

In answer to your question, the blossoms are from an ornamental plum tree. They are very popular here in Southern Cal, it seems. We've had them at this house and our last. The pink flowers are awesome, and they turn into little dark magenta leaves. Our last trees like this gave off little tart plum-like cherries, not sure what this one will do.

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