We have been on the cusp of change for awhile now. Soon, a clear line will be drawn. This spring has been so lovely. So much has happened in so many little and big ways. With more still to come.
Birds built nest, eggs were layed, nestlings nourished, and fledglings flew. Caterpillers captured, fennel chewed down, chrysalis's formed, butterflies emerged, and then released. Poppies came and went. And so did the bluebonnets. There were larkspurs and sweet peas, jasmine, and evening primrose. Delicate, sweet smelling beauties. Oh April was delightful.
The rains have come. The river is flowing. I can't remember the last time there was so much water in these parts. You should see how vibrant the green is these days. Electric. We are studying pond life because well, we have ponds again.
If you'd judge me by the looks of my yard, you just might think I've fallen off the deep end. It's wild out there right now. Crazy wild. Thick stands of firewheels galore. In both the front and the back yard. Don't ask. I swear I sprinkled Black Prairie Mix last fall. Otherwise, I have two beds of beans, one bed of tomatoes, another of peppers, and three of garlic and onions. All happy so far. I have around 20 lavender bushes started as tiny twigs two years ago. They are so very full and blooming. The stuff dreams are made of, really. But now with all this rain, I pray their feet stay dry enough to survive! And then there is the sunflower situation. They are tall and abundant. They create a little forest of their own.
Our neighbors left us a few weeks ago. It's been quiet without them here. Their daughter and our daughter grew up together these last three and a half years. And now, it's just Bea and I during the day. It's funny how we adapt though. Each day is less and less quiet as we get use to the new now.
We've closed the chapter on adoption. No more waiting. Life is calling our little family and we are beyond ready.
In two weeks, I'll close down The Natural Child for good. It's been fun, but I'm daydreaming of what's beyond. I am certain of a few small details (well, with as much certainty as life throws at ya): the porch will acquire a picnic table (adult size, thank you!), a string or two of twinkly lights, some hanging and non-hanging plants, and maybe, just maybe, a cool reclining lawn chair.
Otherwise, the plan for this summer is to unwind, unwind, and unwind some more. To sit on my porch. To sip sun tea. To bask in the sun. To listen for birdsong, cicadas, and crickets. To trim sunflowers for tabletop jars. And to breathe.
Hoping all is well on your end. And as always, thanks for stopping by.